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Tower of sex is a game that you can play in two fun ways. Roll the dice and remove the wooden pieces, being very careful not to knock down the tower while you enjoy performing the spicy tests that you will find in each piece.
Rules of the game: The pieces are placed in a tower arranged by colour, the pieces are placed in floors, 3 pieces per floor, so that each colour is made up of 4 floors of pieces (To help you build the tower you can look at the image on the box) The pieces are numbered from 1 to 12 in four colours: wood, pink, fuchsia and black. The youngest player starts the game. Then it is the other player's turn, and so on.
Simple mode: coloured dice: You can play with just the coloured dice, rolling it and removing one of the 12 pieces of the colour that the dice shows. If the dice shows two colours, choose one. Remove the piece very carefully so that the tower doesn't collapse. Check the number on the piece in the instructions and perform the test at that moment.
Play until the tower falls. The loser is the person whose tower collapses when they remove a piece. The winner is the one who hasn't knocked down the tower and has the right to choose their favourite place in the house or the one you've never used for sex after the game is over.
Advanced mode: coloured dice + number dice: You can play with the coloured dice and the two number dice, rolling the coloured dice first and then the 2 number dice to see what colour and number the piece you have to remove has.
If the number or color indicated by the dice when rolled is no longer on the tower, then you lose your turn.
If a player drops the tower when removing a piece, he or she decides whether to declare himself or herself the loser of the game or to want a rematch. If he or she wants a rematch, the loser must remain naked to start the game.
If the loser does not want a rematch, then the winner decides which place in the house where you have never had sex he or she wants to use to give free rein to passion.
If the loser of the first game agrees to a rematch and wins the second game, then there would be a tie, and it is time to rebuild the tower to play again and see who is the definitive winner who gets the reward.
Available in 8 languages ??(Spanish, English, German, French, Dutch, Portuguese, Italian, Polish)
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