LO-DL-67 6970260901086
Experience the ultimate sexual fantasy. It is ready and waiting for you at all hours of the day! Slide into her tight pussy, enjoying the realistic feel and lifelike textures then turn on the powerful vibrating bullet for even more pleasure
Made of CyberSkin Virtual Touch material and moulded directly from Porn Star vagina, this is almost better than the real thing
Perfectly detailed and hand-painted in all the most sensual colours
Open ended this masturbation sleeve will accommodate absolutely anyone but for extra sensations, place the vibrating bullet in the end and turn it on
Ultra-powerful, the vibrating multispeed bullet with wired controller can be used independently or inserted into the sleeve
Just rinse with warm water when you're done for a lovely, clean feel
Comes with free CyberSkin renew formula to keep your feeling perfect for longer.
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